Feed the Floof


 Atk 28/
 Strength  Def 12/
Apple Crisp  HP 385/
Feng Junhua (冯骏骅)  Crit 400/1525
Cristina Vee  Crit. Dmg 456/1845
Ayano Masumi  Atk Spd 1017/3312
Tutorial, Team Up, Hard Stages
Specter Forker
Tornado Crepe uses her fan to whip up an enormous tornado, dealing damage of 100% to the nearest enemy target, and an extra 30 points of damage.
Fan Dance Crepe does the adorable fan dance, attacking the enemy in one fell swoop, dealing damage of 100% to the nearest enemy target, and an extra 400 points of damage.
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A young lady who thinks of herself very highly. She likes to hold her fan up to her face to cover her smile. She enjoys shopping at discount stores and finding the best deals.
Crepe Desserts
France Unknown
Proud 143cm
Likes: Black Tea, Macaron Dislikes: -
Everything around this lady must be gorgeous.
Crepe was once a basic recipe without much flavor. However, as time progressed, people began to innovate and add all sorts of flavor to it.
[R][Strength] Food Soul