Feed the Floof

Pad Thai

Pad Thai
 Atk 51/
 Strength  Def 21/
Cha Siu Bao  HP 510/
V17-Xiao Zheng (V17-筱筝)  Crit 729/3089
-  Crit. Dmg 711/3096
Komagata Yuri  Atk Spd 1469/5579
Tsuchigumo Night Sparrow
Buddha's Meditation Pad Thai deals 100% of her Atk stat and an additional 62 points of damage to the nearest foe, with a 50% chance to raise her Atk by 40% for 3 seconds.
Buddha's Discipline Pad Thai deals 100% of her Atk stat and an additional 283 points of damage to the nearest foe, also dealing 40% of her Atk stat and an additional 144 points of damage to all other foes.
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Pad Thai is a sharp and daring woman whose independent nature makes her a stand-out in the cruel business world. Because of her birth, she is also a Buddhist. The best way to describe her would be a woman who is unfazed in the face of danger, whose perspective is unique, who fears no authority. She is in every sense of the word a strong woman.
Pad Thai Main Dish
Thailand Unknown
Bold, Strong 162cm
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Let me see your value.
Thai stir-fried noodles are made of Thai dry rice, fresh shrimp and Thai fish sauce, and are prepared with fresh eggs, Thai chili sauce, tofu, pickled sweet radish and so on.
[SR][Strength] Food Soul