Feed the Floof


 Atk 91/
 Magic  Def 17/
Steamed Cod  HP 522/
Hong Haitian (洪海天)  Crit 1109/5303
Julia McIlvaine  Crit. Dmg 1199/5767
Kawasumi Ayako  Atk Spd 1207/5082
Guild Shop, Token Shop
Thundaruda Hamstero
The God's Ringing Canele closes her eyes and begins to meditate, dealing 40% of the Food Soul's Atk stat as damage to all enemies plus 17 extra damage.
Mourners' Mourning Canele begins to chant a hymn, dealing 40% of the Food Soul's Atk stat as damage to all enemies, plus 157 extra damage. Also resurrects all dead allies, giving them 30% health and 30% energy.
Saints' Mourning Canele begins to chant a hymn, dealing 60% of the Food Soul's Atk stat as damage to all enemies, plus 188 extra damage. Also resurrects all dead allies, giving them 50% health and 50% energy.

Canele always wears a loving smile on her face. She uses her beautiful voice to sing blessings to others. At one point, humanity forgot that she is Food Soul and instead began to look upon her as a messenger from God. Canele's true form is the spiritual body of an angel's bell, and her womanly form is merely the vessel she inhabits while on Earth.
Canele Dessert
France 16th Century
Pure 235cm
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A quiet and peaceful day is also a blessing.
Canelé is a recipe that was almost forgotten. However, thanks to the people, they brought it back and made it even better.
[UR][Magic] Food Soul