Feed the Floof

Fire Crystal Persimmon Cake

Fire Crystal Persimmon Cake
 Atk 124/
 Strength  Def 32/
Laksa  HP 511/
Bu Yi (不一)  Crit 1523/7218
-  Crit. Dmg 1785/8781
Kawagami Kouji  Atk Spd 1244/5249
Ranking Event
Spectra Conchi
Glowing Blade Fire Crystal Persimmon Cake deals 100% of his Atk stat and an additional 200 points of damage to the nearest foe, also granting himself 5 Energy per second for 3 seconds.
Spinning Red Qian Kun Fire Crystal Persimmon Cake deals 40% of his Atk stat and an additional 399 points of damage to all foes, also increasing all allies' damage dealt by 25% for 3 seconds.
Super Spinning Red Qian Kun Fire Crystal Persimmon Cake deals 60% of his Atk stat and an additional 479 points of damage to all foes, also increasing all allies' damage dealt by 35% for 3 seconds.

Stats from Normal Nodes
  Crit 6334
  Crit. Dmg9120
  Atk Spd4940

Togi Node 1 (Atk Spd)
Antler Togi (1st effect)After a crit strike, deals ATK 14% (Max. Lv. 80%) damage to furthest two enemies, also recovers 1 (Max. Lv. 10) energy to self. This effect has 10s CD.
Striped Togi (2nd effect)After a crit strike, deals ATK 17% (Max. Lv. 100%) damage to nearest two enemies, also recovers 1 (Max. Lv. 10) energy to self. This effect has 10s CD.
Bushy Togi (3rd effect)After a crit strike, deals ATK 8% (Max. Lv. 50%) damage to enemy team, also recovers 1 (Max. Lv. 10) energy to self. This effect has 10s CD.
Togi Node 2 (HP)
Antler Togi (1st effect)During battle, normal attack damage is boosted by 5.2% (Max. Lv. 30%). After casting basic skill, deals ATK 50% damage to nearest enemy. This effect has 5s CD.
Striped Togi (2nd effect)During battle, normal attack damage is boosted by 5.2% (Max. Lv. 30%). After casting basic skill, next three attacks will be crit strikes. This effect has 5s CD.
Bushy Togi (3rd effect)During battle, normal attack damage is boosted by 5.2% (Max. Lv. 30%). After casting basic skill, recovers 1 (Max. Lv. 10) energy to self. This effect has 5s CD.
Togi Node 3 (Atk)
Antler Togi (1st effect)After every 12s, the next attack will trigger this effect: boosts skill dmg of allied team by 8% (Max. Lv. 50%) and grants them immunity to silence effects for 4s.
Striped Togi (2nd effect)After every 12s, the next attack will trigger this effect: boosts normal attack damage of allied team by 8% (Max. Lv. 50%) and grants them immunity to silence effects for 4s.
Bushy Togi (3rd effect)After every 12s, the next attack will trigger this effect: boosts all dmg of allied team by 5.2% (Max. Lv. 30%) and grants them immunity to silence effects for 4s.
Togi Node 4 (Crit Rate)
Antler Togi (1st effect)After casting a skill, boosts Atk Spd of allied team by 8% (Max. Lv. 50%) for 5s, also has 70% chance to recover 8 (Max. Lv. 50) energy to allied team. This effect has 20s CD.
Striped Togi (2nd effect)After casting a skill, cleanse negative debuffs from allied team, also has 70% chance to recover 8 (Max. Lv. 50) energy to allied team. This effect has 20s CD.
Bushy Togi (3rd effect)After casting a skill, deals ATK 70% (Max. Lv. 420%) damage to enemy with highest ATK, also has 70% chance to recover 8 (Max. Lv. 50) energy to allied team. This effect has 20s CD.
Togi Node 5 (Atk Spd)
Antler Togi (1st effect)After casting a skill for 3s, boosts one's Crit Rate by 7% (Max. Lv. 40%), additional effect to crit strikes, deals ATK 21% (Max. Lv. 120%) as skill dmg to the nearest enemy.
Striped Togi (2nd effect)After casting a skill for 3s, boosts one's Crit Rate by 7% (Max. Lv. 40%), additional effect to crit strikes, deals ATK 5.2% (Max. Lv. 30%) as skill dmg to the nearest enemy, if enemy which receives this damage has HP less than 40%, deals additional ATK 21% (Max. Lv. 120%) damage.
Bushy Togi (3rd effect)After casting a skill for 3s, boosts one's Crit Rate by 7% (Max. Lv. 40%), additional effect to crit strikes, deals ATK 14% (Max. Lv. 80%) as skill dmg to the nearest enemy, if enemy which receives this damage has HP less than 40%, recovers 2(Max. Lv. 14) energy to self.
Optimistic, cheerful, and passionate like a flame. Though Fire Crystal Persimmon Cake enjoys playing and fooling around wherever he goes, he's actually very reliable when it comes to proper work. Because he thinks of himself as an older brother figure, he often takes care of others. However, he can be a little blur at times. He also tends to attract little critters. He's very easy to get along with and is often the life of the party. Fire Crystal Persimmon Cake learnt from his master the ancient and gradually disappearing Light Kingdom art of controlling and capturing demons. To protect positive Qi and defend those he holds dear, Fire Crystal Persimmon Cake works hard to brush up his skills.
Fire Crystal Persimmon Cake Snack
China 17th Century
Passionate and Bright 182cm
Likes: Blue Cheese, Chrysanthemum Wine Dislikes: -
Only by having enough strength can one protect those by their side.
Alternatively referred to as "Yellow Osmanthus Persimmon Cake", this is a type of seasonal, Shanxi snack. Usually available in the market during autumn. It is prepared using fire persimmon that resemble red lanterns and flour. the 2 sides of fire persimmon is golden yellow and the inside of it is soft; the stuffing is colourful and the cake's is aromatic. Based on stories that have been passed down, in the year 1644, Li Zicheng became king in Xi'An and then later, he directed his attention to Beijing. At that timss, Guanzhong was facing natural disasters. Ration was scarce so the people in Linzhong used ripe fire persimmon and flour to bake persimmon cake for soldiers to eat during the journey. From then on, when autumn winds blow, it is the season when persimmon becomes ripe. The people of Linzhong would bake persimmon cake to eat and as a way to commemorate Li Zicheng.
[UR][Strength] Food Soul