Feed the Floof

Laba Noodles

Laba Noodles
 Atk 51/
 Strength  Def 24/
Black Bean Rice  HP 410/
Bu Yi (不一)  Crit 599/2474
-  Crit. Dmg 721/3143
-  Atk Spd 1265/4760
Harvest Diary
Enhanced Uke Mochi Chappybara
Spitting Letter Laba Noodles deals 100% of his Atk stat and an additional 60 points of damage to the nearest foe, with a 50% chance to stun them for 3 seconds.
Splash Ink Laba Noodles deals 100% of his Atk stat and an additional 213 points of damage to the nearest foe, stunning them for 3 seconds, with a 70% chance to reduce their Atk stat by 20% for 5 seconds.
Super Splash Ink Laba Noodles deals 120% of his Atk stat and an additional 256 points of damage to the nearest foe, stunning them for 3 seconds, with a 70% chance to reduce their Atk stat by 20% for 5 seconds.

A chivalrous young man who was born with spirit-seeing yin-yang eyes. He believes he exists to exterminate all demons and drive away evil, to dispel disaster and keep peace. His bronze sword breaks easily, but can be repaired through killing evil spirits.
Laba Noodles Staple Food
China Unknown
Kindhearted and Upright 178cm
Likes: Chrysanthemum Wine, Almond Tofu Dislikes: -
To exterminate all demons and drive away all evil, and may I not be stopped by even death.
Laba Noodles are a festive dish during the Laba festival. It is one of China's traditional noodle-type foods and is popular in the Shaanxi and Guanzhong areas. There, every morning of the 8th of the Layue month, all households must consume a bowl of Laba Noodles. It consists of noodles and various type of beans as the base ingredients. The red beans are first cooked overnight, followed by making the noodles as wide as hooker chives. At the same time, scallions are then stir fried in oil. Once the noodles are done cooking, the oil used to stir fry the scallions is poured into the pot containing the noodles. Finally, a bowl of fortunate, auspicious, and evil-repelling laba noodles is complete.
[SR][Strength] Food Soul