Feed the Floof


 Atk 92/
 Support  Def 30/
Lotus Stir-Fry  HP 489/
Shishi (十四)  Crit 2136/10281
-  Crit. Dmg 1264/5924
Uesaka Sumire  Atk Spd 1120/4784
Event (Apricot Blossom, Shattered Starlight)
Leaf Ocean Queen Sea Bunny
Magic Pine Arrow Osechi shoots a pine needle, reducing the defense of a random enemy by 15% for 5 seconds, and dealing 5% damage per second for 5 seconds plus 15 extra damage.
Divine Prayers Osechi waves her pine branches and prays, restoring 160 HP to all teammates plus 80 extra HP for 3 seconds, also making all teammates invincible for 3 seconds.
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Stats from Normal Nodes
  Crit 3959
  Crit. Dmg6840
  Atk Spd6484

Togi Node 1 (HP)
Antler Togi (1st effect)During battle, CRIT RATE is increased by 6% (Max. Lv. 30%).
Striped Togi (2nd effect)During battle, ATK SPD is increased by 6% (Max. Lv. 30%).
Bushy Togi (3rd effect)During battle, ATK is increased by 4% (Max. Lv. 20%).
Togi Node 2 (Atk Spd)
Antler Togi (1st effect)After landing a critical hit, Osechi has a 8% (Max. Lv. 40%) chance to gain 15 Energy.
Striped Togi (2nd effect)After landing a critical hit, Osechi has a 8% (Max. Lv. 40%) chance to grant two random allies 15 Energy.
Bushy Togi (3rd effect)After landing a critical hit, Osechi has a 8% (Max. Lv. 40%) chance to make three random enemies lose 15 Energy.
Togi Node 3 (Def)
Antler Togi (1st effect)Increases ATK of the two allies with the highest ATK by 4% (Max. Lv. 20%); After every attack, the next normal attack will become a critical hit.
Striped Togi (2nd effect)Increases DEF of the two allies with the highest DEF by 6% (Max. Lv. 30%); After every attack, the next normal attack will become a critical hit.
Bushy Togi (3rd effect)Increases MAX HP of all allies by 2% (Max. Lv. 10%); After every attack, the next normal attack will become a critical hit.
Togi Node 4 (Crit Rate)
Antler Togi (1st effect)Once every 20 seconds, heals the friendly unit with the lowest HP by 16% (Max. Lv. 80%) of their lost HP and inflicts 48% ATK (Max. Lv. 240% ATK) to the closest enemy after using a basic skill.
Striped Togi (2nd effect)Once every 10 seconds, inflicts 48% ATK (Max. Lv. 240% ATK) to three random enemies after using a basic skill.
Bushy Togi (3rd effect)Once every 15 seconds, inflicts 6% ATK (Max. Lv. 30% ATK) each second to all enemies for 5 seconds and stuns them for 2 seconds after using a basic skill.
Togi Node 5 (Atk Spd)
Antler Togi (1st effect)Aura effect: All friendly units have a 20% chance of inflicting 12% ATK (Max. Lv. 60% ATK) to the closest enemy after a normal attack.
Striped Togi (2nd effect)Aura effect: All friendly units have a 50% chance of inflicting 12% ATK (Max. Lv. 60% ATK) to the closest enemy after using a skill.
Bushy Togi (3rd effect)Aura effect: All friendly units have a 30% chance of inflicting 12% ATK (Max. Lv. 60% ATK) to the closest enemy after landing a critical hit.
A proud girl who is born with a silver spoon in her mouth. Although she has a lively personality, her attempt to maintain her identity restricts her from doing what she truly wants.
Osechi Main Course
Japan Unknown
Tsundere 157cm
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