Feed the Floof

Sweet & Sour Fish

Sweet & Sour Fish
 Atk 45/
 Magic  Def 17/
Pumpkin Soup  HP 311/
Yang Ou (杨鸥)  Crit 798/3527
Faye Mata  Crit. Dmg 622/2666
Inoue Kikuko  Atk Spd 1049/3899
Event, Team Up, Event (Spring Time, Lotus Lamps, Starry Brilliance (Super))
Aizen Bread Knife
Night Light Sweet & Sour Fish swings her lantern around from her side. Its radiance increases the Atk of all teammates by 4 points for 5 seconds.
Tranquil Heart Sweet & Sour Fish raises her lantern and swishes her tail, unleashing a wave that deals 40%Atk damage to all enemies plus 94 extra damage, also charming all enemies for 3 seconds.
Tranquil Heart as Mirror Sweet & Sour Fish raises her lantern and swishes her tail, unleashing a wave that deals 60% Atk damage to all enemies plus 112 extra damage, also charming all enemies for 3 seconds.

She is gentle and melancholic. She seems to be waiting for the right person to bring her happiness. Perhaps a certain Master Attendant may be able to make her happy again.
Sweet & Sour Fish Dishes
China 12th~13th century
Pessimistic 159cm
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In my heart there is a sad tale. How do I become happy once more?
Sweet and Sour Fish is a recipe from China that combines the juicy and tender meat of the fish with a savory and delicious sweet and sour sauce.
[SR][Magic] Food Soul