Feed the Floof

Wish of Dreams

Event Duration: 15 Feb 2019 ~ 24 Feb 2019

A storyline-type event that uses Action Points (AP) instead of Stamina. Event items are:

  • Heart Seal

  • Reason Seal

  • Red Wine

  • Gingerbread

The event key points and what you need to do are to go through the storyline, farm items, open the last chest, and farm more items to exchange for rewards. AP regenerates to 100 AP each day but will not regenerate if you had over 100 AP left. You can purchase 100 AP for 45 crystals to a maximum of 10 times each day.

Choices in each Storyline determine which chest you can open (You can only open one unless you reset the whole map, which isn’t worth the 240 Magic Crystals). You need to make all the correct choices, if not you have to spend 15 Crystals each to reset a choice.

You need 50x Heart Seal + 50x Reason Seal as well as 85 affection points to open a chest (All the 6 correct choices give a total of 90 affection points, so no room for error). In the final chest, you get 300x Spirit Embers, 20x Basic Seasonings and 75x Gingerbread/Red Wine depending on which chest you chose.

Storyline Choices

Gingerbread Storyline: 3-1-3-2-1-3
Red Wine Storyline: 1-3-1-3-3-1

Rewards List


26 AP to clear story

282 AP to open last chest

2,572 AP needed for remaining materials

Free 1000 AP from 10 days of event,

Steak’s Skin – Requires 1,880 AP from refills, which means 19 refills i.e. spending 855 crystals.

Frame – Requires 960 AP, which is doable with the free 1000 AP, or from 10 refills i.e. spending 450 crystals.

Steak’s skin + Frame –  Requires 2,840 AP from refills, which means 29 refills i.e. spending 1,305 crystals.

Tips on this event