Feed the Floof

Double Skin Milk

Double Skin Milk
 Atk 44/
 Strength  Def 16/
Avocado Salad  HP 300/
V17-Bao Yi (V17-宝仪)  Crit 401/1531
-  Crit. Dmg 1199/5484
-  Atk Spd 509/1534
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Amazake Rum Dumpling
Wushu Strategy Double Skin Milk raises her Atk stat by 30%, then deals 100% of her Atk stat and an additional 42 points of damage to the nearest enemy.
Wushu Glory Double Skin Milk deals 100% of her Atk stat and an additional 233 points of damage to the nearest foe.
Super Wushu Glory Double Skin Milk deals 120% of her Atk stat and an additional 280 points of damage to the nearest foe.

She looks young but is actually very mature, and will give it her all in completing anything she agrees with. She places a strong emphasis on the feeling of honor in doing Wushu and believes that it is not something one should use to throw punches on the streets, or regard as a tool to showcase one's prowess. She gets very angry when she is asked to perform it.
Double Skin Milk Dessert
China Approx. 18th ~ 20th Century
Brave and Firm 155cm
Likes: Mandarin Squirrel Fish Dislikes: -
For the glory of warriors, I will go all out!
Double Skin Milk is a Guandong-style dessert with water buffalo milk being a base ingredient. The top milk skin layer is sweet and fragrant while the bottom milk skin layer is silky and aromatic. When you eat it, you can taste the tender and smooth texture, and also smell its rich scent; the scent will linger in your mouth even after eating it. This nutritious and delicious dessert is said to have been invented in Shunde during the Qing dynasty. Now, this dessert has spread to Guandong, Macao and Hong Kong.
[R][Strength] Food Soul