Feed the Floof

Hardtack Biscuit

Hardtack Biscuit
 Atk 53/
 Magic  Def 27/
Mushroom Alfredo  HP 470/
AKB48 Team SH Li Shiqi(李诗绮)  Crit 629/2692
-  Crit. Dmg 771/3390
-  Atk Spd 1482/5632
Team Up
Orochi Large Sparrow
Wartime Supplies Hardtack Biscuit causes her next normal attack to be a guaranteed critical hit, also dealing 100% of her Atk stat as damage.
Precision Sniper Hardtack Biscuit deals 100% of her Atk stat and an additional 221 points of damage to the nearest foe, instantly killing them if their HP is less than 25%.
Super Precision Sniper Hardtack Biscuit deals 120% of her Atk stat and an additional 265 points of damage to the nearest foe, instantly killing them if their HP is less than 30%.

Born in an age of war, she actively patrolled Gloriville, Nevras, and other locations as a hired soldier. Her turning point was when renounced participating in human civil wars, and turned to battling Fallen Angels.
Hardtack Biscuit Staple Food
Unknown Unknown
Indifferent 157cm
Likes: Gyudon, Braised Noodles Dislikes: -
Humans are way more troublesome than Fallen Angels, so I only want to deal with Fallen Angels, and never deal with humans ever again.
The word "biscuit" originates from the phrase "a bread that is toasted twice". It is baked using flour and water or milk without the addition of yeast. As one of the preserved food that must be prepared when anyone go on a holiday or any outings, Hardtack Biscuit biscuits has become one of the crucial sustenance that soldiers need to prepare during wars as it's convenient to consume. Moreover, Hardtack Biscuit biscuit is a type of biscuit prepared using baking powder and possesses these characteristics: fragrant, sweet, crunchy and does not absorb moisture. Because Hardtack Biscuit biscuits are subjected to high temperature and pressure during the expansion process to kill bacteria and detoxify it, it is suitable for long-term storage, transportation and the military.
[SR][Magic] Food Soul