Feed the Floof

Nagashi Sōmen

Nagashi Somen
 Atk 91/
 Support  Def 29/
Black Fungus Congee  HP 510/
Ma Yang (马洋)  Crit 1023/4718
-  Crit. Dmg 2465/11925
Hamano Daiki  Atk Spd 1654/7236
Event (Ranking)
Queen Conch Conchi
Windbell Umbrella Water that accumulates in Nagashi Somen's umbrellas help recover 25 HP to all food souls and recover 15 points of health every second for 5 seconds. Also expels any reduction status effect on all food souls.
Wind Poem Nagashi Somen cause surrounding winds to rise, all food souls receive 182 HP and additional 30 health for every second for 5 seconds. Afterwards, the next 5 normal attacks recover 30 health.
Super Wind Poem Nagashi Somen cause surrounding winds to rise, all food souls receive 219 HP and additional 36 health for every second for 5 seconds. Afterwards, the next 5 normal attacks recover 36 health.

A man of action, one could say that he's quite unpredictable and reckless. He's also outgoing and synonymous with positivity and righteousness. However, one should not only be careful of his blunt nature but also his natural sensitivity to lies. He despise lies and things can become ugly when he sense that you're lying.
Nagashi Somen Main Course
Japan 19th Century
Straightforward 178cm
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Honesty is a virtue. As for liars, I can see through them easily.
The blazing hot summer is the best time where Nagashi Somen should be enjoyed. It's on the top of everyone's list because it gives a cool and refreshing taste. In Japan, people often hosts Nagashi Somen's based festivals in different regions which helps to create a world record.
[UR][Support] Food Soul