Feed the Floof

Pastel De Nata

Pastel de Nata
 Atk 35/
 Strength  Def 12/
Piglet Daifuku  HP 400/
Zhao Qianjing (赵乾景)  Crit 835/3595
Greg Chun  Crit. Dmg 1176/5367
Sawashiro Chiharu  Atk Spd 917/3372
Summon, Shard Fusion, Airship
Spectra Forker
Golden Spirals Pastel de Nata brandishes his whisk and assaults the three nearest enemy targets, dealing 60% of the Food Soul's Atk stat as damage plus 10 extra damage.
Spinning Attack Pastel de Nata uses his whisk to fling his homemade delicacies at all enemies, dealing 40% of the Food Soul's Atk stat as damage plus 192 extra damage.
Super Spinning Attack Pastel de Nata uses his whisk to fling his homemade delicacies at all enemies, dealing 60% of the Food Soul's Atk stat as damage plus 231 extra damage.

He doesn't like interacting with others and can be rather harsh when he does. He has absolute confidence in his desserts. He likes to spend his time alone so don't get angry when you get ignored.
Pastel de Nata Desserts
Portugal 19th century
Withdrawn 176cm
Likes: Napoleon Cake Dislikes: -
Is it even possible for special things to not come my way? Honestly it's a hassle, a huge hassle.
Pastel De Nata, more commonly known as egg tarts, have spread across the world and have become a dessert food found almost anywhere.
[SR][Strength] Food Soul