Feed the Floof

Tonkotsu Ramen

Tonkotsu Ramen
 Atk 52/
 Strength  Def 11/
Grilled Prawns  HP 512/
Yang Menglu (杨梦露)  Crit 421/1626
-  Crit. Dmg 1152/5250
Yamamura Hibiku  Atk Spd 1122/4192
Pinnacle Showdown
Aizen Rum Dumpling
Clear Warning Tonkotsu Ramen deals 40% of her Atk stat and an additional 22 points of damage to the nearest 3 enemies, also dealing 40% of her Atk stat and an additional 10 points of damage per second for 4 seconds.
Heavy Teachings Tonkotsu Ramen deals 100% of her Atk stat and an additional 289 points of damage to the nearest foe, also having a 70% chance to stun them for 5 seconds.
Super Heavy Teachings Tonkotsu Ramen deals 120% of her Atk stat and an additional 347 points of damage to the nearest foe, also having a 70% chance to stun them for 5 seconds.

Passionate and righteous, she appears to be the boss of a Ramen shop who simply want a peaceful life. However, her benign demeanor is simply a cover to hide her contrasting past.
Tonkotsu Ramen Main Dish
Japan 20th Century
Calm, Just 164cm
Likes: Long Bao, Unadon Dislikes: -
What I truly yearn for, is a peaceful life.
In traditional Chinese and Japanese, the word "豚" stands for "猪"(pig). The base of the soup in a bowl of Tonkotsu Ramen is prepared by boiling pork bone and various type of vegetables. Additionally, the life of Tonkotsu Ramen lies in its soup. After 24 hours of boiling, the base of the soup is rich in bone collagen. As the bewitching scent of Tonkotsu Ramen gushes into your nostrils, your saliva would begin to drip. Although Ramen spreads from China to Japan, but because it underwent transformation in Japanese soil, this form of Ramen represents Japanese Ramen in the present age. Apparently, it has been said that the true methods of preparing Japanese Ramen is kept a secret, and only by travelling to Japan can one truly taste it.
[SR][Strength] Food Soul