Feed the Floof

Glittering Spirit

Event Duration: 08 May 20 ~ 14 May 20


Similar event to Nagashi Somen and White Truffle ranking event with same boss as White Truffle event. Notable rewards from this event include Tequila, special frames & avatar, and various consumable rewards.

Disclaimer: This list is based on the CN server’s iteration of this event, and may be subject to change.

Currencies & Energy

  • Faith Stone – Main energy in event (Regen 1 point every 4 minutes, max out at 180 points)

Event Guide

1-100000 40 100%
100001-530000 41 <99.80%
530001-2300000 42 <98.94%
2300001-6300000 44 <95.40%
6300001-10300000 46 <87.40%
10300001-22000000 48 <79.40%
22000000 & Above 50 <56%

Aizen Fight Guide

Main features and attributes of Aizen

● Single Target Damage and Charm every 15 seconds.
● AOE skill that lowers Atk Spd of whole team for 5 seconds every 8-10 seconds. Able to be cleansed.
● AOE skill that causes bleeding (Damage over Time).

Countering the main features

1. Single Target Damage and Charm every 15 seconds.

The single target damage is low and peaked to around 3.6k damage, so make sure the HP of your team is at least 4k. The charm is an annoying single target skill which can create problems for new and beginning players with teams which are not that mature, in which case they can choose to run a defense tank. Key point of this skill is that it only targets the food soul with the highest ATK. Thus, it is beneficial if the one who is charmed is your healer, rather than a DPS who will proceed to kill off your team. However, using a slow cleansing healer will backfire for the next 2 features. There are 4 options to the charm problem:
1. Ignore it and hope to live through it
2. Using cleanser with high Atk Spd FA
3. Use Atk FA on your healer so the healer will always be charmed
4. Use Food Soul with Charm negating abilities or artifacts (Fondant Cake, Boston Lobster)



2. AOE skill that lowers Atk Spd of whole team for 5 seconds every 8-10 seconds. Able to be cleansed.

The main bane of this boss fight. The reduction in Atk Spd can significantly lower the overall damage. Thus it is recommended to cleanse this debuff with a cleanser food soul. The usual list consists of Bibimbap, Nagashi Somen, Sichuan Hotpot and Laba Congee. However, cleansing healers are recommended to save another spot for a better DPS rather than using Sichuan Hotpot. The debuff applies to the whole team including your cleanser, thus the best Atk Spd FA should be given to the cleanser, the rest is all up to RNG.


3. AOE skill that causes bleeding (Damage over Time) .

Another skill to test your healer and even though the damage is not high, when combined with the Atk Spd reduction feature it can still be deadly. A Atk Spd Healer Cleanser is recommended but it will counter one of the solution to the first feature of using high Atk for healer. Pizza with Node 1 unlocked will be the best choice.


Notable Pairings


These pairings produce great synergies and are recommended to try them out if your team comp happens to include either one of them. Not compulsory to follow these pairings if fallen angels, stars are not desirable or better food soul choices are available.

Team Composition & Fallen Angels

A tank is not required. The major problem with this boss is that the feature needs the player to choose between using a Atk Spd or Atk Healer. The player needs to test both to see if the team is able to survive. Using a Atk Healer will allow the team to survive when the boss’s single target charm is triggered but greatly reduces the chance to cleanse the Atk Spd reduction and bleeding. Using a Atk Spd Healer will allow the cleanser healer to remove the Atk Spd reduction and bleeding faster but single target charm on your team’s DPS might cause a wipe. Keep trying and find a good balance to achieve the best damage.


Special mention to Turkey and Pizza, their artifacts skills can be very crucial in certain team comp. Turkey can use his 3rd node to mitigate charm, while Pizza can use his 1st node to mitigate the bleeding effect. The 2 recommended healers are Bibimbap and Nagashi Somen for their excellent group healing abilities while also bringing cleansing.

Team Comp 1 (Double Healer) :


Ensure the highest Atk on 1 healer, while the other healer has the best Atk Spd FA. This will help cleanse while preventing charm on a DPS which might wipe the team. A starter team comp for players without Turkey, Pizza with artifacts. If Atk Spd is not enough to cleanse, consider using Fondant Cake to prevent the team from being charmed.

Team Comp 2 (Beer without Healer) :


Prerequisite of this team comp requires a healing tank, Oyster is the best choice, Apple Pie might also work. Test and find the best tank for the job. A Turkey with 3rd node and Pizza with 1st node unlocked is also a must. Damage to the team needs to be mitigated and lowered to lowest using Pizza’s artifact. Ensuring Turkey to be the food soul in the team with the highest Atk will allow him to negate charm with his 3rd artifact node. However, Turkey needs to cast his skill without being silenced by Beer at the right time to pull this off. Use this comp at own risk, might need multiple attempts to pull a successful run.

Team Comp 3 (Mid Tier without Beer)


The go to team comp for most seasoned players without Beer. Use a appropriate tank accordingly with your attackers’ power. If the tank is not dying when attacker is charmed, there is an option to use a better attacking FA for the tank. If the tank dies too often, either lower the power of your attackers or keep trying. Oyster and Apple Pie are the better tanks for survival.

Team Comp 4 (Mid Tier with Beer)


Basically same as previous team comp but with Beer. The 2 attackers are recommended to be Pizza and Turkey if they got the artifacts required to ensure maximum survival rate.

Team Comp 5 (High Tier) :


Forgoing tank to achieve the higher damage output. With a high powered Beer ensuring speed, the healer can go for Atk FA to take the charm effect, thus ensuring the attackers having full focus on the boss and no chance of wiping due to attackers being charmed. However, because the cleanser will not be cleansing fast enough, there is a chance the team will be slowed constantly. Test between the previous team comp and this one to find the best damage.

Team Comp 6 (Lobster Power) :


Making use of Boston Lobster 4th node to negate charm. Use a high Atk FA on Boston Lobster so he will be target of charm. Charm is then negated due to his 4th node, allowing charm to fizzle and also allowing the cleansing healer to hold high Atk Spd FA instead of Atk FA.

Reward List

Ranking – Points System

20000 Gold 100pt
20 Small EXP Bottles
20 Beginner Seasonings 350pt
5 Exploration Speed Up Tickets
150 Soul Embers 900pt
15 Tequila Shards
5 Deluxe Bentos 1500pt
30 Beginner Seasonings
Tequila Direct Summon 2100pt
50 Medium EXP Bottles
8 Commission Vouchers 2700pt
15 Tequila Shards
100000 Gold 3400pt
3 Construction Vouchers
20 Tequila Shards 4200pt
5 Tequila Artifact Challenge Tickets
50 Large EXP Bottles 5000pt
25 Tequila Shards
10 Spirit Reincarnators 5800pt
25 Tequila Shards
300 Soul Embers 6600pt
25 Tequila Shards
10 Tequila Artifact Challenge Tickets 7400pt
3 Mirror Images
50 Tequila Shards 8200pt
10 Normal Togi Grabbers
50 Tequila Shards 9000pt
3 Mirror Images
130 Tequila Shards 9800pt
25 Tequila Artifact Challenge Tickets

Top 5%
900 Soul Embers
Top 5%-15%
750 Soul Embers
Top 15% – 30%
600 Soul Embers
Top 30% – 50%
300 Soul Embers

Ranking – Damage System

Top 10%
Tequila Avatar

Summary & Tips