I II III IV V I. Morning The rising sun peeked above the horizon while the chickens greeted it brightly. As sunlight broke through the wavering morning clouds, it bathed the stone-paved road in light. Daybreak in the little town was still shrouded in thin mist. I stretched lazily, secured my apron and began wiping […]
Tag: [M]
Lore – Rice
I II III IV V I. Awakening “…Huh?” My thoughts were slowly becoming much clearer. I haven’t felt this way since the day I was summoned by my Master Attendant. As my eyes began to focus, I realized I was in a spacious room…though ‘spacious’ probably wouldn’t be the right word for it. Even though […]
Almond Tofu
Info Artifact Bio Voice Name Almond Tofu Initial Stats/Ascended Stats Rarity Atk 22/ Type Support Def 14/ Fav Food Apple Sangria HP 222/ CN VA Jin Na (金娜) Crit 277/857 EN VA – Crit. Dmg 333/1093 JAP VA Kakuma Ai Atk Spd 1111/3714 Availability Event Fallen Angels Mountain Sparrow – Basic Heart Warming Tofu Almond […]
Food Soul Compare Tool
Tool to compare 2 food souls, choose any 2 food souls and their stats will appear with a comparison table below. It is a huge effort collecting the info and coming out with the algorithms. Currently in testing phase, let us know if you found any bug or any suggestions~ Check it out here!!