
 Atk 21/
 Support  Def 15/
Grilled Corn  HP 202/
V17-Su Wan (V17-苏婉)  Crit 394/1354
Kat Cressida  Crit. Dmg 524/1904
Yuuki Aoi  Atk Spd 706/2265
Summon, Tip Shop, Event (Patrol Time)
Night Sparrow -
Sweet and Sour Gelatin Jello uses chewy jelly to soothe everyone's spirit, restoring 60 HP to the team member with the lowest HP percentage.
Idol Power The strength of Jello's smile and beautiful voice restore 30 HP to all team members, while also removing all positive effects from all enemy units.
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Work Out The Food Soul's Freshness is increased by 10 points. (+10 per level)0☆
Lovable Customers pay 5% more Gold when paying their bill. (+1% per level; level 10 max)1☆
Cooking Expert When the Food Soul's in the kitchen making a Recipe, production time is decreased by 5%. (+1% per level)3☆

[M][Support] Food Soul

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