Chrysanthemum Wine

Chrysanthemum Wine
 Atk 42/
 Strength  Def 16/
Cha Siu Bao  HP 511/
V17-KIYO  Crit 621/2576
-  Crit. Dmg 1100/4996
-  Atk Spd 1112/4152
Summon (Event)
Spectra Bread Knife
Fragrant Sleeves Chrysanthemum Wine causes her next 4 normal attacks to deal an additional 35 points of damage, also cleansing all negative effects from all allies.
Proud Forlorn Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum Wine deals 40% of her Atk stat an additional 281 points of damage to all enemies, with a 50% chance to reduce all enemies' Def by 30% for 5 seconds.
Super Proud Forlorn Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum Wine deals 60% of her Atk stat an additional 337 points of damage to all enemies, with a 50% chance to reduce all enemies' Def by 45% for 5 seconds.

A free-spirited, determined and self conscious lady. She doesn't care about restrictive rules and can be quite unrestrained sometimes in terms of personality. She prefers to be a lone wolf and is noted to have excellent swordmanship and a shining fighting record.
Chrysanthemum Wine Alcohol
China Est. 2nd Century
Casual, Free 165cm
Likes: Chongyang Cake Dislikes: -
I hope to return with this blade in my hand, so as to talk, enjoy and prepare wine with you.
Chrysanthemum wine produced in China have already been a trending beverage in Hanwei shiqi for a long time. In the [Miscellaneous records of the Western capital], this is written-"When the Chrysanthemum flowers is most gentle, collect the stem and leaves. Mix them with White Millets to brew the wine. Only during the 9th October will the wine mature where consumption is suitbale. This is known as Chrysanthemum Wine."
[SR][Strength] Food Soul

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