Golden Pig Arch

Event Duration: 31 May 2019 ~ 12 June 2019

1. During the event, a limited sale card pool will open– Golden Pig Arch. πŸ·πŸ·πŸ·
2. Only 10x draws are allowed in this limited sale card pool. Each draw costs 10 Gold Bar items, which are available for purchase in the Mall.
3. Players are limited to just 20 draws from the limited sale card pool. Once these chances are used up, you can’t draw any more.
4. Each 10x draw must give out a random UR from the pool.
5. This card pool only includes UR, SR, and M Food Souls.

Disclaimer: This list is based on the CN server’s iteration of this event, and may be subject to change.

Items Shop

  • Gold Bar x1 = Magic Crystals x300 (Max 90 times)
  • Gold Bar x1 = Soul Embers x450 (Max 10 times)

Summon Rates

UR Chance = 5.00%
SR Chance = 85.00%
M Chance = 10.00%

UR Rates

SR Rates

M Rates


  1. This card pools pretty nice, even if it’s really expensive.
    10x limit on ember pulls is a bit unfortunate though.

    Side note: is the 90x limit on crystal exchange for gold bars a typo? Max is 20 draws right?

    • To answer your question: it’s not a typo.

      To our understanding, the limit of 20 draws is actually 20 “10x draws”, or 200 Gold Bars.
      While only 100 Gold Bars can be bought from the Items Shop, there will also be a Gold Bar pack in the Pack Shop (real money only).

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